
Guide to Cross Compilation for a Raspberry Pi

  1. Start
  2. Setup XCS and RPi
  3. Setup RPi Network and SSH
  4. Setup RPi Peripherals
  5. Setup Cross-compile environment
  6. Cross-compile and Install Userland
  7. Cross-compile and Install OpenCV
  8. Cross-compile and Install ROS
  9. Compile and Install OpenCV
  10. Compile and Install ROS
  11. > Remote ROS (RPi node and XCS master)
  12. ROS package development (RPi/XCS)
  13. Compile and Install WiringPi

11. Remote ROS (RPi node and XCS master)


When all previous steps are followed the setup should currently be able to:

The next step is to setup extend the communication functions between the RPi and VM, such that we can run roscore in the VM and connect a node from the RPi.


ROS nodes connect to a master (roscore) via a tcp-connection. This allows a ROS system to have external nodes, hence we should be able to connect the RPi to our VM.

Unfortunally there is a challenge: the VM is configured to be attached to the NAT, therefore it is not visible by any device in the network except the HOST~$. As a result, the RPi is cannot detect the VM and hence cannot connect to the ROS-master (roscore) running in the VM.

The nodes in a ROS system connect to an IP address by communicating with a specific port (by default 11311). When the calls to this port on the HOST~$ are forwarded to our VM and the ROS-master is set to the ip-address of the HOST~$ we can circumvent this problem and have external nodes communicating with the RPi. The setup then becomes:

Overview of setup with ROS

HOST-VM Port forwarding

In a similar manner as the SSH-setting (see Installation), a forward rule in VirtualBox needs to be set. After selecting the VM in VirtualBox:

  1. Machine > Settings > Network > Advanced > Port Forwarding > New Rule
    • Name: ROS_MASTER
    • Protocol: TCP
    • Host IP: (leave empty)
    • Host Port: 11311
    • Guest IP: (leave empty)
    • Guest Port: 11311


  1. Compile for VM
     XCS~$ source ~/rpicross_notes/scripts/ros-native
     XCS~$ mkdir -p ~/build/ros/chatter
     XCS~$ cd ~/build/ros/chatter
     XCS~$ cmake ~/rpicross_notes/ros/chatter
     XCS~$ make
  2. Compile for RPi
     XCS~$ source ~/rpicross_notes/scripts/ros-cross
     XCS~$ mkdir -p ~/ros/chatter_cross
     XCS~$ cd ~/ros/chatter_cross
     XCS~$ cmake \
         -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/pi/rpicross_notes/rpi-generic-toolchain.cmake \
     XCS~$ make
     XCS~$ ~/rpicross_notes/scripts/sync-ros.sh


  1. First we need to determine the (external) IP (or hostname) of the HOST~$ on which the VM is active. This is the IP on which the ROS-master will be reachable. When using an unix system, the hostname can be determined by:
     HOST~$ hostname

    While the IP of the host can also be used, in different networks different IPs might be active. Using the hostname of the HOST~$ eliminates this potential issue.

  2. Open three terminals in the VM:
    1. Source ROS-files and start roscore
       XCS~$ source ~/rpicross_notes/scripts/ros-native <hostname> <rpiname>
       XCS~$ roscore

      The values <hostname> and <rpiname> need to be set in order for the RPi to connect properly to the VM via the HOST. This scripts fetches the IP of <hostname>, updates ROS_MASTER_URI locally, sends the update via ~/ros/rossetup-rpi to <rpiname> and finally sources ROS files on the VM. For my setup the full command is:

       XCS~$ source ~/rpicross_notes/scripts/ros-native Hessels-MacBook-Pro.local rpizero-local

      Note that roscore complains about the IP of ROS_MASTER_URI as it differs from the IP of the VM. More about this in issue #7 .

    2. After starting ROS, start the subscriber-node
       XCS~$ source ~/rpicross_notes/scripts/ros-native <hostname>
       XCS~$ rosrun chatter subscriber

      Note that we do not need to update the RPi anymore.

    3. Start publisher on rpi
      XCS~$ ssh rpizero-local
      RPI~$ source ~/ros/rossetup-rpi
      RPI~$ rosrun chatter publisher

      The contents of ~/ros/rossetup-rpi are created by copying and adapting ~/rpicross_notes/ros/rossetup-rpi in the VM.

  3. When succesfull, you should see:
    1. Publisher (RPi):
       RPI~$ rosrun chatter publisher
         [ INFO] [1490361500.794854734]: hello world 0
         [ INFO] [1490361500.894476970]: hello world 1
         [ INFO] [1490361500.994248202]: hello world 2
         [ INFO] [1490361501.094246431]: hello world 3
         [ INFO] [1490361501.194246659]: hello world 4
         [ INFO] [1490361501.294338885]: hello world 5
         [ INFO] [1490361501.394404112]: hello world 6
         [ INFO] [1490361501.494347342]: hello world 7
         [ INFO] [1490361501.594348570]: hello world 8
    2. Subscriber (VM):
       XCS~$ rosrun chatter subscriber
         [ INFO] [1490361501.387607575]: I heard: [hello world 5]
         [ INFO] [1490361501.486619994]: I heard: [hello world 6]
         [ INFO] [1490361501.588621491]: I heard: [hello world 7]
         [ INFO] [1490361501.688693481]: I heard: [hello world 8]

      Note that some packages are lost..

Simplify life

It can become quite tedious to constantly source the ros-files. Luckily we can do this by adding the source command to ~/.bashrc. Upon a ssh-call, ~/.bashrc is loaded by the unix OS, hence the ROS binairies will be sourced automatically.

  1. Add source-command to ~/.bashrc in the VM
     XCS~$ nano ~/.bashrc

    Add the following to the bottom of the file

     # Load ROS biniaries and setup ROS_MASTER_URI
     source ~/rpicross_notes/scripts/ros-native Hessels-MacBook-Pro.local
  2. Add source-command to ~/.bashrc on the RPi
     XCS~$ ssh rpizero-local
     RPI~$ nano ~/.bashrc

    Add the following to the bottom of the file

     # Load ROS biniaries
     source ~/ros/rossetup-rpi

So, the steps to execute the example become:

  1. Open three terminals in the VM:
    1. Start ros
       XCS~$ roscore

      If ROS_MASTER_URI has changed, or the RPi has not yet been configured, an initial call before roscore is required:

       XCS~$ source ~/rpicross_notes/scripts/ros-native Hessels-MacBook-Pro.local rpizero-local
       XCS~$ roscore
    2. Start subscriber in the second terminal
       XCS~$ rosrun chatter subscriber
    3. Start publisher on RPi
      XCS~$ ssh rpizero-local
      RPI~$ rosrun chatter publisher