
Guide to Cross Compilation for a Raspberry Pi

  1. Start
  2. Setup XCS and RPi
  3. Setup RPi Network and SSH
  4. Setup RPi Peripherals
  5. Setup Cross-compile environment
  6. > Cross-compile and Install Userland
  7. Cross-compile and Install OpenCV
  8. Cross-compile and Install ROS
  9. Compile and Install OpenCV
  10. Compile and Install ROS
  11. Remote ROS (RPi node and XCS master)
  12. ROS package development (RPi/XCS)
  13. Compile and Install WiringPi

6. Cross-compile and Install Userland

The userland repository of the Pi Foundation contains several libraries to communicate with the RPi’s GPU and use GPU related actions such as mmal, GLES and others. It also contains the camera functions such as raspivid and raspistill.

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Preparation
  3. Compilation
  4. Installation
  5. Testing
  6. Troubleshooting



  1. Sync RPi with the XCS. This ensures all symbolic links will be corrected.

     XCS~$ $XC_RPI_BASE/rpicross_notes/scripts/sync-rpi-xcs.sh rpizero-local-root
  2. Download userland

     XCS~$ mkdir -p $XC_RPI_ROOTFS/usr/src/
     XCS~$ cd $XC_RPI_ROOTFS/usr/src/
     XCS~$ git clone https://github.com/raspberrypi/userland.git --depth 1

    The userland repository is downloaded in rootfs because the make install does not copy the headers of the libraries.


  1. Create the build location for userland and run CMake.

     XCS~$ mkdir -p $XC_RPI_ROOTFS/usr/src/userland/build/arm-linux/release
     XCS~$ cd $XC_RPI_ROOTFS/usr/src/userland/build/arm-linux/release
     XCS~$ cmake \
       -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$XC_RPI_BASE/rpicross_notes/rpi-generic-toolchain.cmake \
       -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
       -D ARM64=OFF \

    This should produce an output similar to:

     -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.3
     -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.3
     -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
     -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -- works
     -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
     -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
     -- Detecting C compile features
     -- Detecting C compile features - done
     -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++
     -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ -- works
     -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
     -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
     -- Detecting CXX compile features
     -- Detecting CXX compile features - done
     -- Looking for execinfo.h
     -- Looking for execinfo.h - found
     -- The ASM compiler identification is GNU
     -- Found assembler: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
     -- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.29.1")
     -- Configuring done
     -- Generating done
     -- Build files have been written to: /home/pi/rpi/rootfs/usr/src/userland/build/arm-linux/release
  2. Next, make userland.

     XCS~$ make -j 4

    -j 4 tells make to use 4 threads, which speeds up the process.

  3. Install the created libraries:

     XCS~$ make install DESTDIR=$XC_RPI_ROOTFS
  4. Remove build and git files from the src (these are not needed on the RPi)

     XCS~$ cd $XC_RPI_ROOTFS
     XCS~$ rm -rf $XC_RPI_ROOTFS/usr/src/userland/build
     XCS~$ rm -rf $XC_RPI_ROOTFS/usr/src/userland/.git*


  1. Sync the updated “rootfs” with the RPi:

     XCS~$ $XC_RPI_BASE/rpicross_notes/scripts/sync-xcs-rpi.sh rpizero-local-root


Testing the compiled userland-libraries is done by building our own version of raspicam and creating a picture. Note that this test requires that the RPi has a camera connected and that you have links2 installed.

  1. Create the build-dir and build the application

     XCS~$ mkdir -p $XC_RPI_BUILD/hello/raspicam
     XCS~$ cd $XC_RPI_BUILD/hello/raspicam
     XCS~$ cmake \
         -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$XC_RPI_BASE/rpicross_notes/rpi-generic-toolchain.cmake \
     XCS~$ make
  2. Sync and run.

     XCS~$ scp hellocam rpizero-local:~/
     XCS~$ ssh -X rpizero-local
     RPI~$ ./hellocam -v -o testcam.jpg
         "hellocam" Camera App (commit Not found)
         Camera Name imx219
         Width 3280, Height 2464, filename testcam.jpg
         Using camera 0, sensor mode 0
         GPS output Disabled
         Quality 85, Raw no
         Thumbnail enabled Yes, width 64, height 48, quality 35
         Time delay 5000, Timelapse 0
         Link to latest frame enabled  no
         Full resolution preview No
         Capture method : Single capture
         Preview Yes, Full screen Yes
         Preview window 0,0,1024,768
         Opacity 255
         Sharpness 0, Contrast 0, Brightness 50
         Saturation 0, ISO 0, Video Stabilisation No, Exposure compensation 0
         Exposure Mode 'auto', AWB Mode 'auto', Image Effect 'none'
         Flicker Avoid Mode 'off'
         Metering Mode 'average', Colour Effect Enabled No with U = 128, V = 128
         Rotation 0, hflip No, vflip No
         ROI x 0.000000, y 0.000000, w 1.000000 h 1.000000
         Camera component done
         Encoder component done
         Starting component connection stage
         Connecting camera preview port to video render.
         Connecting camera stills port to encoder input port
         Opening output file testcam.jpg
         Enabling encoder output port
         Starting capture -1
         Finished capture -1
         Closing down
         Close down completed, all components disconnected, disabled and destroyed
     RPI~$ links2 -g testcam.jpg

    As a result, a window should be opened and show a snapshot of the camera.

    Depending on the size of the image, this may take a while.


Error during build of userland:

../../../../lib/libvcos.so: undefined reference to `_dl_init_static_tls'
../../../../lib/libvcos.so: undefined reference to `_dl_pagesize'
../../../../lib/libvcos.so: undefined reference to `__pointer_chk_guard_local'
../../../../lib/libvcos.so: undefined reference to `__dlclose'
../../../../lib/libvcos.so: undefined reference to `__dlerror'
../../../../lib/libvcos.so: undefined reference to `_dl_stack_flags'
../../../../lib/libvcos.so: undefined reference to `__dlopen'
../../../../lib/libvcos.so: undefined reference to `__dlsym'
../../../../lib/libvcos.so: undefined reference to `_dl_wait_lookup_done'
../../../../lib/libvcos.so: undefined reference to `__pthread_create'

If such message appear during building (make) it might be because you need to fix the symlinks of the RPi-filesytem. Try building after syncing (and make sure you remove all build files):

XCS~$ $XC_RPI_BASE/rpicross_notes/scripts/sync-rpi-xcs.sh rpizero-local-root
XCS~$ cd $XC_RPI_ROOTFS/usr/src/userland/
XCS~$ rm -rf build/*
XCS~$ mkdir -p $XC_RPI_ROOTFS/usr/src/userland/build/arm-linux/release
XCS~$ cd $XC_RPI_ROOTFS/usr/src/userland/build/arm-linux/release
XCS~$ cmake \
  -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$XC_RPI_BASE/rpicross_notes/rpi-generic-toolchain.cmake \
  -D ARM64=OFF \
XCS~$ make

Image is not loaded by links2:

Could not initialize any graphics driver. Tried the following drivers:
Can't open display "(null)"
Could not get VT mode.

Check if there is a warning upon login on the RPi. If you see “Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated” you might need to use the “-Y” instead of “-X” option when connecting via SSH.